Rejection Dissection

“Fear of rejection” is talked and written about every single day in the selling universe, but there are two concepts mentioned in that one short 3-word phrase. “Rejection” is an event, and like a single bee sting it is over as quickly as it began. On the other hand,...

Personal Surveillance

Nineteen Eighty-Four, written in 1949, was required reading for me as a high school sophomore in 1965. Many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, newspeak, thought crime, Room 101, telescreen, 2+2=5, and memory hole; have become a part of our...

Selling by Multiplication vs. Addition

If you sell in the residential marketplace, I’ll bet when I mention the term “networking”, you probably have a flashback to an after-hours or lunchtime gathering of people dressed in business clothes, munching on fancy snacks and maybe drinking a cocktail. Oh yeah, I...