For the next few minutes Art wants us to stop thinking with our brains and start thinking with our heart. Some would call that using your imagination; others would call it just dreaming. But this activity is the inspiration to winning. Some of Think Bigyou may ask what dreaming has to do with success, and the answer is that dreams are the most powerful success tools you have. Frankly, if you don’t have a big dream, you’re done. The Bible says it this way; “Without a vision, the people perish.”

In an earlier lesson we referenced Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. From studying successful people he discovered that the common thread running among them was a dream they had cherished for a period of time. If you are still capable of dreaming, you still have a chance to accomplish something big, and you can begin to see the change occur in just 30 days!

It’s easy for me to throw up success stories in front of you, but at this point you probably won’t believe something like what you are about to read could happen to you.

The names Larry Page and Sergey Brin probably don’t ring a bell. They were just a couple of students in their early 20’s in 1997 who dreamed about organizing information on the web. They thought people might have a need for what we now know as a search engine. In 1998 a business man who noticed what they were doing thought they might be onto something and invested $100K into their venture to help get them going. They opened a bank account in the name of GOOGLE, and the rest is history. Market capitalization of GOOGLE is $350 Billion and their stock currently sells for a little over $1,000 per share. …Just a couple of guys with a dream.

In the 1920’s when most people in America were living from hand to mouth, and would soon enter the Great Depression; a couple of brothers, Roy and Walter had a dream of creating entertainment for young and old alike. Long story short, all of us have laughed and smiled and contributed financially to the empire known as the Walt Disney Company. Although Disney has been dead for nearly 50 years, this giant company is still growing and is currently worth $125 Billion, with earnings of $7 Billion last year. …Just a couple of brothers who dreamed about providing people with some happiness.

Ok, so I’m sure you don’t believe you could become mega-millionaires like these folks, but think how they must have felt when they began. But even if you don’t reach levels of success like these people, you can absolutely participate in the American Dream and secure financial independence for your family, regardless whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur.

What are you doing to make things better?Success means different things to different people, but it’s very hard to substantially help others if you are in debt and under financial bondage. Your dreams may give you the desire to help your own parents, assist family members with medical bills, contribute substantially to secular charities or religious missions, domestic or international; or provide a legacy for your children and grandchildren.

Once you have a dream you can strengthen it by visualizing. You must be able to see yourself in the role of a successful person. One way to do this is to consider the following; write down your dreams and “post” them where you can’t miss seeing them regularly in several places in your environment, e.g., in your bathroom, on the rearview mirror in the car, or on the refrigerator door. Maybe you cut out pictures or take photos of what your dream looks like, and post them where you will see them.

When you take actions like these, your subconscious mind kicks in and will begin to figure out ways to make your dreams become reality. One of the best supports you can have is to share your dreams with a spouse or partner. When you both see things from the same perspective it will be impossible to stop you, unless you just quit.

Additionally, you should hang around like-minded people. It’s much easier to accomplish your goals if your friends share your positive attitude and are also working toward their dreams. It’s almost impossible to win if you spend your time with negative people that continually throw cold water on every positive idea and thought you have. Do you want to “soar with the eagles” or just “cluck around in the barnyard with the turkeys”?

Art leaves us with the reminder that whatever you dream about, you can become!

Please Speak Your Mind below and tell us what is on your dream list and when will you achieve it.


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