Hearing is Not Listening – Part II

I once heard a story about how President Franklin Roosevelt often endured long receiving lines at the White House. He complained that no one really paid any attention to what was said. One day, during a reception, he decided to try an experiment. To each person who...

Hearing is Not Listening – Part I

Desiring to change directions, a large company hired a new CEO who decided his first mission would be to rid the company of its slackers. During his first week at the helm, the big kahuna noticed a guy leaning against a wall at a company facility he happened to be...

How NOT to Become an Unpaid Entertainer

Survey Says… Yes you, and keep your answers to yourself! Question 1: What % of your sales do you close on the first visit? Question 2: On average, how many visits does it take to generate a close from the rest? Question 3: How do you get appointment #2 if you don’t...

Call Center Chameleons Part 2

Phone Selling to Blue’s and Yellow’s In Part I we determined there were two functions to master in order to successfully navigate prospect temperaments and behaviors over the phone. The first is to learn to identify which temperament you are speaking with, and the...

Call Center Chameleons – Part I

Phone Selling to Green’s and Red’s Salespeople hear a lot of talk about identifying and mirroring the behavior type of their prospects, and that’s certainly important. But if you sell by phone, that’s like trying to get a haircut by mail. What does that even mean?...