Exposing Stumbling Blocks

Those of you proposing and selling in the commercial marketplace need to excel at exposing stumbling blocks (deal killers). You should be as effective at this as you are identifying and influencing the players (deal makers). All sellers have been coached over and over...

Handwritten Notes; Seriously?

Suppose you’re the planner who extended the invitation for me to speak at the annual conference of your company. Which of the following thank you notes would you rather receive from me following the event? This: Thank you for your business. I really appreciate it and...

First Impressions

Today let’s talk about first impressions. It was Yogi Berra who said, “You can observe a lot by just watching.” And when you are selling, rest assured, you are constantly being watched. All my life I have heard the phrase, you never get a second chance to make a good...

Confirmation Bias

Just so you won’t be guessing from the beginning of this post, confirmation bias is defined as interpreting information in a way that confirms what you already believe. You see what you’re looking for and hear what you’re listening for. Confirmation bias causes people...

Battling the Status Quo

As you attempt to schedule appointments, realize that your biggest competitor is battling the status quo, the path of least resistance that your buyer is currently travelling. At times this trajectory can be extremely costly, as detailed in the following historical...