Discovery Consists of Probing and Verifying

To start this week’s post with a GRIN, the following questions and answers were asked of elementary school students, according to an issue of Reader’s Digest. Teacher: How do we describe an evangelist? Student: Someone who plays the evangelo. Teacher: Why can’t...

Discipline Determines Destiny

Before I connect today’s topic to sales professionals, read these snapshots of four famous individuals from various walks of life that experienced success as a result of being extremely disciplined. + First is the most successful international golfer of all time;...

Lagniappe-An Unexpected Benefit

I relocated to Mobile on the beautiful Gulf Coast in the mid 1970’s and lived there for 20 years. One of the first “new words” I learned there was lagniappe. It is a wonderful concept and an ingrained part of the phenomenal culture of the entire region, but most...

Salespeople Need More Testimonials

I’ll begin today’s discussion of testimonials by introducing the term, “herd mentality.” It is defined as “the tendency of the people in a group to think and behave in ways that conform with others in the group rather than as individuals.” This phenomenon occurs in...

A Tale from My Customer Service Crypt

Today I’ll begin my post with another true horror story from my customer service crypt. Last October I (Doug) went online to make a much-needed appointment with my eye doctor, but their website was as screwed up as a left-handed football bat, and would not let me book...