
Today’s post is a good refresher for blue collar salespeople and selling technicians working in various services industries. Revenue streams that come to mind quickly include security system sales, pest management, lawn care/weed control, mosquito suppression services, gutter toppers, and duct cleaning. These are just a few but should help you see where I’m headed today.

Businesses like these may have dedicated salespeople or utilize their technicians in a sales/service capacity. Regardless, the next 60-90 days during this time of year are ‘prime time’ for adding new customers or proposing add-on services to current ones.

I realize that time is of the essence when reps and techs are working in the field on tight schedules during peak season. To help with canvassing and selling efforts I’ve listed some common objections that typically surface, along with some potential responses, phrased as questions. These should help sales teams address concerns quickly and keep conversations moving, hopefully culminating in sales.

I’ve mentioned to readers before that the best strategy for salespeople is always asking questions and then silence. These suggested responses are a version of that technique, but remember one thing. Be careful with voice tone so as to ensure there is no perception that salespeople are responding with a smart aleck attitude, since these responses are short and quick. This would immediately destroy any likability you hope to gain with prospects.

Your price is too high

Possible responses: I appreciate that. You must be telling me that for a reason? OR

I understand. So does that mean we are done talking?

I’m going to get a couple other quotes

Possible Responses: OK, so tell me what I need to do so that won’t be necessary. OR

Will you promise not to make a final decision until I can follow up after you have the quotes?

I can get the service cheaper from another company

Possible Responses: Which means? OR

You must be telling me for that for a reason? OR

Can you do any better on the price?

Possible Responses: Well, what were you hoping the price would be? OR

Suppose I told you I couldn’t. What would your reaction be?

Why are you guys more expensive than most of the other companies?

Possible Responses: Good question. Why do YOU think we are higher? OR

It’s true that folks really do get what they pay for. Have you actually compared?

I’ll need to talk to my spouse

Possible Responses: I understand. If you were the sole decider, where do you stand? OR

I appreciate that. Often folks say that as a polite way of saying no; is that what’s happening here?

I only need a one-time service

Possible Responses: So do you want to just Band-Aid the problem or eliminate it OR                                           
We provide service with annual agreements. Why do you think that is?

I’ll need to think about it

Possible Responses: I get it. Sounds like you’re telling me no, is that right? OR

Copy that. Let me step out a return a call from another customer? Be right back, OK?

I’ll get back to you next week

Possible Responses: I appreciate that, but I’m curious. Why next week? OR

Understood. Will you really get back to me or are you just not interested?


I’m happy with who I’ve been using

Possible Response: Makes sense. Sounds like there’s no reason to change then? OR

Will you still feel that way if you discovered our service has advantages?

My husband takes care of all our household maintenance problems

Possible Responses: I understand, so how’s that working for you guys? OR

So it sounds like you don’t need what we do?

Would I have to sign a contract?

Possible Responses: What would your reaction be if I told you that you would? OR

We do operate by formal agreements that sets both of our responsibilities. Is that a concern?

If you are getting an overwhelming negative response

Possible Responses: Can I remove my sales hat and put on a consulting hat for a minute?
How can I politely say it would be a mistake to not use us for this issue, without upsetting you? OR

Considering my company’s long history and track record, and the severity of the problems you’re having, your best bet is to use us to resolve this. Does it bother you for me to say that?

When experiencing objections like these, visualize being in a ping pong game where it’s important to return the ball to the other end of the table as quickly as possible. So the best way to accomplish this is by responding with questions and then silence. You should never give up and walk away at the first push back, but by using this advice you get a second chance. Then, if you fail, you’ll fail fast, and can move on and talk to someone else!

————Kudos to Doug————

Doug’s online coaching sessions help me tremendously. Confronting sales objections and learning how to secure more referrals are the two areas where I’ve experienced the biggest improvement.”  Connor Housely, Jacksonville, FL.  



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