Don’t Cross That Line!

Over 80 years ago Dale Carnegie related a story about how Charles Schwab had a steel mill manager whose people weren’t producing their work quota. “How is it that a manager as capable as you can’t seem to make this mill turn out the amount of steel it...


Defining problems is the key to solving them. Once, Einstein was asked how he would approach the problem of avoiding the end of the world if he had only one hour to solve it. He said he would spend 55 minutes identifying the problem and the last 5 minutes solving it....

Is Sales Coaching Worth It?

An old prospector was digging for gold without success, so he decided to head into town and have a few shots of whiskey. He tied his mule to the hitching post and headed inside. At the same time a drunken cowboy staggered out of the bar and said, “Old timer, can...