Realism vs. Optimism: The Stockdale Paradox

You have probably never heard of James Stockdale. During the Vietnam War, for over seven years he was one of the highest-ranking naval officers held captive as a prisoner of war in Hanoi. Twenty years later in 1992 he was chosen by Reform Party candidate Ross Perot to...

Attitude Controls Altitude

A great definition for attitude is “the way you look at life, and the way it looks back at you.” The best way to explain this is for me to share the true stories of two men whose attitudes were 180° apart. The first fellow worked for a Russian railroad and...

Newsflash: Altitude Controlled by Attitude

Your attitude is how you look at life and the way it looks back at you. The best way to explain this is to share vignettes of two men whose attitudes were 180° apart. The first fellow worked for a Russian railroad and accidentally locked himself in a refrigerated...

Attitude Determines Altitude

Your Attitude in Life Determines Your Altitude in Life Doug Robinson, Robinson Training Solutions, LLC Your attitude is how you look at life and the way it looks back at you. The best way to explain this is to share vignettes of two men whose attitudes were 180°...