You’ve Got to Pay the Piper

Everybody is familiar with the phrase, “You’ve got to pay the piper.” So let me tell you where that phrase comes from and then I’ll make my point. It’s the story of the Pied Piper which originates in the town of Hamelin, Germany way back in the Middle Ages (about...

Do You Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing?

Most of you who are blue collar salespeople in services industries are in your busiest season of the year, working like one-armed wallpaper hangers! No one can possibly accuse you of not working hard, as you swarm around your sales territory trying to beat the clock...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

The following is a true story, verified through John Barrier had done business with Old National Bank in Spokane for 30 years. He made his living buying and refurbishing old buildings, so he wore everyday work clothes that day in October 1988. He left his...

Discipline Determines Destiny

Before I connect today’s topic to sales professionals, read these snapshots of four famous individuals from various walks of life that experienced success as a result of being extremely disciplined. + First is the most successful international golfer of all time;...

Success Often Requires a “Plan B”

If you’re familiar with any of my work you know I’m big on advocating for salespeople to perform pre-call preparation before every sales appointment. Today I want to go one step further and discuss crafting a backup plan, because circumstances often change. Football...