Building and Maintaining Buyer Trust – Pt II

I’ll pick up where I left off last time at the end of Part I, with the final five C’s or trust traits. If you missed it last week read it here 4-Consistent – People are more trusting of...

Building and Maintaining Buyer Trust – Pt I

I am quick to remind salespeople that TRUST is one of the key reasons residential and commercial buyers do business with them, but I probably don’t spend enough time discussing ways to earn it. Conversely, I talk a lot about the value of asking questions, but rarely...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

The following is a true story, verified through John Barrier had done business with Old National Bank in Spokane for 30 years. He made his living buying and refurbishing old buildings, so he wore everyday work clothes that day in October 1988. He left his...

The Flinch Reflex While Selling

Flinch – Webster defines a flinch as a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or surprise. This reaction can occur in many areas of life, as you see above at the ballpark when a batter accidentally launches a bat into the stands. But as you...

Selling is Easier with Storytelling

  College students at Stanford were asked to share facts with their classmates. When they finished 63% remembered the stories that were told but only 5% remembered the actual statistics that were cited. What’s up with that? The reason storytelling during selling...