Two Ears and One Mouth…Do the Math!

Today I’m sharing an excerpt from a financial newsletter I read that has a lot of relevance for salespeople, regardless of industry. Here’s the story: Some time ago I discovered, very much to my surprise, that my personal broker at Ibex Investments was “no...

You’ve Got to Pay the Piper

Everybody is familiar with the phrase, “You’ve got to pay the piper.” So let me tell you where that phrase comes from and then I’ll make my point. It’s the story of the Pied Piper which originates in the town of Hamelin, Germany way back in the Middle Ages (about...

Do You Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing?

Most of you who are blue collar salespeople in services industries are in your busiest season of the year, working like one-armed wallpaper hangers! No one can possibly accuse you of not working hard, as you swarm around your sales territory trying to beat the clock...

Building and Maintaining Buyer Trust – Pt II

I’ll pick up where I left off last time at the end of Part I, with the final five C’s or trust traits. If you missed it last week read it here 4-Consistent – People are more trusting of...