
Most of us in the sales profession like to think of ourselves as amiable people, whether we are introverts or extroverts. But if you were to ask if we were charismatic, far fewer of us would probably claim that. Charismatic is an adjective we might apply to people like Jay Leno, Michelle Obama, President Ronald Reagan or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Charismatic people are confident in positive ways, without being boastful or egotistical. They also have very good persuasion and influencing skills. As salespeople, wouldn’t it be great to have that kind of effect on people?  Think about the advantage we would have if we had the ability to make virtually everyone we met like us and want to work with us.

Many salespeople are charismatic. When prospects meet them they quickly like them. They buy from them even when they don’t have the cheapest price.

They have a natural ability to sell although some are smart and others are not. Some are good looking and others not so much. Do they possess special secrets or can we all earn at least an undergraduate degree in charisma?

1. People tend to do business with people they like. If you are a follower of my work you have heard me emphasize this over and over. We just don’t buy things from folks we don’t like. So, be likable by smiling and being polite and conversely refuse to be gruff or impatient.

2. Prospects feel comfortable with people who are like them. Again, based on my prior writings and coaching, learn to quickly determine which of the four basic temperaments your prospects are and then mirror that behavior right back at them. This is the best way to create a bond between you and them.

3. Buyers are attracted to people who keep their word. Don’t make promises and commitments you can’t keep and when you make them, do exactly what you say; sooner rather than later.

4. Customers trust people who have their best interests at heart. You prove this by putting their interests above yours from the jump. Be the consummate consultant focusing on “what’s in it for them” every step of the way.

5. People want to do business with people who are experts in their field. Always remain a student of your business no matter how long you’ve been on the job. Demonstrate your expertise rather than bragging about it.


6. Prospects are attracted to people who are attractive. I don’t mean you should be a plastic-fantastic but it really helps when you dress neatly and are well-groomed. And don’t forget to pay attention to your personal hygiene, as bad breath or body odor is always an automatic turnoff.

7. Buyers respond well to people who really listen. Remember the old cliché I’ve stated for years. You have two ears and one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you talk.

8. Customers are attracted to people who are humble. If you mention any successes you’ve had, make sure not to brag and get off talking about yourself as quickly as possible and refocus on the prospect.

All that said, my best suggestion is to take inventory of these skills you already possess and continue to practice and perfect them. For those you still need to develop, work on them every chance you get, and I believe you will see your customer relationships continually improve as your sales increase.

————Look What You’re Missing————

Earning an Above Average Living While Maintaining Your Integrity is the sub-title of my book, SELL IS NOT A FOUR LETTER WORDIf you’re serious about your paycheck, you really need to go to my website and order a copy. It’s 274 pages and addresses 116 topics. Only $16 bucks and I do FREE SHIPPING.



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